It was said Rottweilers are from the breed of working dog probably descended from the herding dogs used by the Romans and they used Rottweilers to guard their army camps as well as to drive their cattle.
Now, living in an urban area, no cattle to drive of course, but work around the house is required now and then such as clearing weeds, chopping branches or even assembling a garden bench.
Let’s try out our dear Confi and see whether she’s up to the task or not.
Life is not all about playing with toys, Confi. Ready for some new exploration?
Well, what am I supposed to do?
Well, at least you can start by watching me first?
Ok, I got it.
Hey, what are you doing? C' focused...
Tis is no fun. Can't I just do my own thing…
oh, poor master...he worked so hard...
Are we done yet?'s so slow and boring....
Are we done yet?
Are we done now? Not fully yet...let’s get tis branches out of the way, will ya?
Hey, I can do tis….yeaahhh..
Good girl… Alas, its DONE! Man, watching is a tiring business...
Some exercise for the dogs are always advisable. So, as much as possible, we'll take the two fellas for short walks either in the morning or evening. Sometimes due to time constraint, we even took them out late at night if the sky is clear and the air is cool. Bubbly is the more exciting one and she'll be running instead of walking. So, at the end, instead of walking the dog, she walked us. And both the walker and "walkee" will be panting for breath...
Bly, are you ready for your little exercise?
More than ready...can we go now?
Me too... As we realized some time ago, it's not just about walking, it's about checking out the trees, leaves, rubbish and what not along the way...
While we took Bubbly and Confi for a walk in the morning, Hugo was whining at home. We wished we could bring all three but just not possible. Bad luck, Hugo.
No. We don't treat our guest like that. In the evening when the rain stops and the weather was a bit more cooling, Hugo got his chance.
Yippie...I'm going for a walk, master Bryan! Did you hear that?
You think all pugs walk the same pace? Think again! While Bubbly was charging ahead pulling you along, Hugo is slow and steady. Walking with Hugo is so pleasant.
You've got so much to learn from Hugo, girl.
Hugo will walk...
...and stop...
walk again...
...and take five again...
walk a few more steps...
...and stop again, and sometimes, "kepoh" staring at people...
feeling contented, he'll start walking again...
...not long after, stop again, tis time to catch his breath...
That was Hugo little 15-minute walk around our neighborhood...
The first time we set our eyes on Hugo.....OMG, he's...BIG!
And later, when we were told that he's one month younger than Bubbly, we then exclaimed...then he's really FAT!Hahaha...No, he's just chubby...
and adorable...
Bryan, his owner is away and for the first time, we were asked to dog-sit. Yeah...first time! Sorry, Bryan if you are starting to regret tis...
But hey, Hugo is adapting himself pretty well....we brought him to our garden and he instantly like it...(eh..Bryan, you must have been depriving him of tis luxury...:)) - he was running, chasing after toys, rolling and etc...
...even doing his business...yeah, that's how easy he's adapting to his new environment.
Taa-daahh... of course, we have to introduce him to the other members of the household...first off, Confi.
Confi: Harlo, you look the same like my housemate. Tell me, are you her boyfriend?
We were a bit hesitant to get three of them together...but what the heck? C'mon Bly, join in the fun...
Bly: Hey, Confi...dun you dare bully Hugo. Treat him nice, ok...he's very special.
Ahem, Bryan....what are you going to say about tis?
Hugo: Wow...tis is heavenly...
but...I still miss you, master. Please come and see me fast fast...