Almost 2 weeks had passed since Bubbly and Confi had their fights/play together. When not together, that doesn't mean no fights...doesn't mean the fun has to stop. The fighting instinct lives on...
The only change is...the target enemy. For instance, Bubbly has chosen the pillow. Oh, poor pillow... No challenge, tis one. It doesn't fight back..
Oh, please give me back my real enemy. I want to fight Confi...
But, wait a second... why am I still as tired as hell? (breathing heavily..)
Alas, Bly gave up fighting and decided to enjoy a good old tennis match.
Our house has a small pond with koi. Everyone likes to hang out nearby including our dear Confi and Bubbly.
Confi being the curious one was always found sniffing away - "How is it feel like to be like them - living under the water? And how come they never come up and say hi?"
Well, it doesn't take long for Confi to find out. Due to the rain last nite, the floor was rather slippery tis morning. Our fren happened to do her "meditation" again by the pond.
And oooopss...down she went. Splash...splash...No shout, no whimpering, just the noise of water splashing...was she too shocked to do anything? We guess so.
If we did not happen to be nearby, we can't imagine the outcome...but wait a minute, "Can't Rotties swim?" We're sure they can but Confi is still a puppy, so, we're really not sure.
We rushed to pick her up and managed to get a few quick shots too. It was a commotion...really.. Cos' Bubbly also managed to escape (they were supposed to be separated for the time being) and join the "rescue crew" or so we thot.
Long ago in China, a small princess lived in a large palace. Her father, the emperor, allowed his daughter no playmates, thinking they would distract her from her royal training. The girl’s nursemaid took pity and smuggled in a tiny dog to keep her company.
The princess was delighted, and named him Peach Flower. Even when the two friends were not playing, she kept him bound tight in the sleeve of her robe, so that he father would not discover him.
She even slept with him that way. One day when the princess was in the garden with the emperor, a sound of snoring broke the quiet of the morning, and Peach Flower was pulled out of his hiding place. Upon seeing the dog, the Emperor exclaimed, “Little lion, are you a prince in disguise?"
Far from being angry, he was enchanted by her pet’s looks, for, from riding so long in the tight space of her sleeve, his sweet face had been squashed into a wonder of wrinkles. From then on, the three folds of skin on the Pug’s forehead were said to look like the Chinese character for “prince”.
No need to fear, sweetie... we're going to see Dr. Agas. You've met him before, remember?
Confi tagged along and she's adapting to traveling in a car pretty quickly.
"Hey, that's GREAT improvement! Apply for another 5 more days...and she'll be fine." "That's great news, isn't it, Bly? C'mon...cheer up!"
We used to say that Bubbly is hyper-active in the past and how we wished she would exhibit her pug standard traits out soon- laid back, lazy and quiet. Now, we regret we had wished for that too soon...